What Is Art In The 21st Century?

December 23, 2021

What is art in the 21st century? As we are into the early innings of web 3, and we are seeing the rise of digital art, does that just touch the surface of what art is in the 21st century? It is safe to say that when we see a sculpture, a painting, a ballet, blown glass, and a fine architectural structure, that we know we are seeing art. But again, does it go way beyond that? For Instance, is developing apps, software, and user experience and user interface designs, art? Is developing satellites that bring internet service to rural communities art? Is building a water filtration system to give clean water to an underserved community art? Is coming up with energy efficient methods for carbon capture to fight the dangerous effects of co2 emissions art? So by now, you can see where we are going with this. 

We as humanity are facing some unique challenges in the 21st century. Our current pandemic, the climate crisis, and economic inequality to name a few. But if we unpack and keep our minds open to all the possibilities of what art is in the 21st century, amazing things could unfold. So, let’s have some fun and create a possible scenario. What if an artist, digital artist, actor, or tech star collaborate and create a campaign to raise awareness and fund raise for a technology company working on carbon capture. Is that collaboration art? Let’s go a bit further. What if they use a piece of art or digital art to be the main incentive for the fund raise? This scenario is just one idea and us using our imagination. 

So let's ask a couple of questions. Do you think it is important to unpack, open our minds, innovate, and think about all the possibilities of what art is in the 21st century? Are you willing and open to new technologies that are unfolding that could benefit art and artists in general? And this last question. Do you think that art is a form of communication? We will let you mull those questions over.

But we want to answer one of the questions ourselves. And that question is, do you think that art is a form of communication? Our answer is a resounding yes. So let’s dive in with some more questions. If you put a painting, sculpture, or photograph in a gallery or post it to social media without a description or text, is that visual piece of art communicating? We will let you ponder that. So now let’s mix it up and ask another pretty deep question. We as humanity have a gift. And that gift is the ability to communicate. So the question is, do you think that communication itself is art? So now let’s say we’ve wrapped our minds around the idea that art is communication and communication is art. Let’s take it a little bit further, and add something else to the mix. What if we put art, communication, and collaboration together? Our answer is a small art gallery opening, events, concerts, large scale art installations, and software that allows us to enjoy all of that online.

To the question of what is art in the 21st century, that is open to an infinite amount of analogies which is fascinating and fun. But for us, a big part of it is about art itself, communication, and collaboration. We believe that if those three things come together amazing things can happen, But not just for us, but for humanity in general. What you just read is from our podcast episode 4. With a glass half full mindset, we hope you like our blog. There will be more to come.